Recent News
[Award] Apr. 20, 2021, Dr. Lin has received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award! The grant will fund a 5-year research project on "Active Learning of Second-Life Battery Systems by Combining Reinforcement Learning Principles and Device Physics".
[Grant] Feb. 3, 2021, we have been awarded a 2-year research grant for project "Multiphysics-based Autonomous Energy-Optimal Planning and Control of Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)!
[Student] Jan. 5, 2021, Jackson Fogelquist joined our lab as a PhD student. He previously obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from San Jose State University in 2017 and 2019 respectively.
[Student] Sep. 1, 2020, Rui Huang joined our lab as a PhD student. He previously obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Automotive Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2017 and 2020 respectively.
[Conference] Jul. 11-17, 2020, Dr. Lin organized an open invited track/session on "Emerging Challenges and Directions of Advanced Battery Management" with colleagues at IFAC World Congress.
[Paper] Jul. 10, 2020, our paper "Data-Driven Real-Valued Timed-Failure-Propagation-Graph Refinement for Complex System Fault Diagnosis” was accepted by IEEE Control Systems Letters. This is a joint work led by Prof. Zhaodan Kong and Dr. Gang Chen of UC Davis.
[Honor] Jul. 3, 2020, Dr. Lin will start serving as the Publicity Chair of the ASME Energy System Technical Committee (ESTC) under the Dynamics Systems and Control Division. He was previously the Award Committee Chair of ESTC.
[Conference] Jul. 1-3, 2020, Dr. Lin and Qingzhi attended the 2020 American Control Conference (virtually). Qingzhi presented the paper "Optimization of Current Excitation for Identification of Battery Electrochemical Parameters based on Analytic Sensitivity Expression". Dr. Lin organized 4 invited sessions on "Control and Estimation of Batteries", "Modeling and Identification of Energy Storage Systems", "Estimation and Diagnostics of Batteries", and "Energy Management in Vehicle Systems" with colleagues.
[Student] Jul. 1, 2020, Jonathan Dorsey joined our lab as a PhD student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from San Jose State University in 2018.
[Paper] May 23, 2020, our paper "Optimization of Electric Vehicle Charging for Battery Maintenance and Degradation Management" was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification.
[Paper] May 10, 2020, our paper "Analytical Derivation and Analysis of Parameter Sensitivity for Battery Electrochemical Dynamics" was accepted by the Journal of Power Sources.
[Student] Mar. 1, 2020, Vincent Chung completed his thesis and graduated with a M.S. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
[Grant] Dec. 15, 2019, we have been selected as a winner of the Global Innovation Contest by LG Chem Inc. and awarded a research grant for project "Data Optimization and Analytics for Battery State and Parameter Learning"!
[Conference] Oct. 8-11, 2019, Dr. Lin and Qingzhi attended the 2019 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC). Qingzhi presented the paper "Optimal Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Battery System through Overnight Home Charging". Dr. Lin organized an invited session on "Renewable and Smart Energy Systems" with colleagues.
[Conference] Jul. 10-12, 2019, Dr. Lin and Qingzhi attended the 2019 American Control Conference. Qingzhi presented the paper "Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for Battery Electrochemical Parameters". Dr. Lin organized 2 invited sessions on "Estimation and Identification of Energy Storage Systems" and "Control, Optimization and Diagnostics of Energy Storage Systems" with colleagues, and gave an invited talk in the tutorial session "The State-of-the-Art and Future of Battery Systems and Control".
[Student] Jul. 1, 2019, Russell Hawkins joined our lab as a MS student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Physics from University of California Merced in 2013, and M.S. degree in Physics from University of California Davis in 2016.
[Student] Jul. 1, 2019, Mengzhu Gao joined our lab as a MS student. She previously obtained her B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shandong University of Technology, China, in 2018.
[Paper] Jun. 13, 2019, our paper "Intelligent Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Battery System Through Overnight Home Charging" has been accepted by the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC) 2019. Congratulations to Sidharth, Vincent and Qingzhi as leading authors!
[Conference] Jun. 12-14, 2019, Dr. Lin and Nicolas attended the 2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS) in Atlanta, Georgia. Nicolas presented the paper "Multiphysical Modeling of Energy Dynamics for Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles".
[Student] Jun. 7, 2019, Sidharth Jangra completed his thesis and graduated with a M.S. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He will join Farasis Inc. as a battery modeling and control engineer.
[Student] Jun. 6, 2019, Qingzhi has been selected as a recipient of the 2019-2020 UC Davis Summer Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Award. This is a university-level merit-based award with only 20 recipients each year in the whole graduate school of UC Davis. Congratulations to Qingzhi!
[Paper] Apr. 14, 2019, our paper "Multiphysical Modeling of Energy Dynamics for Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" has been accepted by the International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS) 2019. Congratulations to Nicolas and Anish as leading authors!
[Grant] Apr. 8, 2019, we are part of a team that has been awarded a 5-year research grant "The Habitats Optimized for Missions of Exploration (HOME) Space Technology Research Institute for Deep Space Habitat Design" by NASA (press release)! The project, led by Prof. Stephen Robinson of MAE UC Davis, will design resilient, autonomous and self-maintained spacecraft for deep space exploration. Our lab will contribute to the design, diagnostics and management of the spacecraft energy and power system. We are looking for talented graduate students to join us on this project!​
[Patent] Mar. 12, 2019, our patent “Estimating core temperatures of battery cells in a battery pack” was granted by the US patent office.
[Patent] Feb. 19, 2019, our patent “Adaptive identification of the wiring resistance in a traction battery” was granted by the US patent office.
[Student] Feb. 1, 2019, Chien Hsin (Vincent) Chung joined our lab as a MS student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
[Paper] Jan. 27, 2019, our paper "Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for Battery Electrochemical Parameters” has been accepted by American Control Conference (ACC) 2019. Congratulations to Qingzhi and Sidharth as leading authors!
[Paper] Sep. 20, 2018, our paper "Parameter identification of lithium-ion battery pack for different applications based on Cramer-Rao bound analysis and experimental study" was accepted by the Applied Energy.
[Paper] Jul. 20, 2018, our paper "Modeling and Estimation for Advanced Battery Management" was accepted by the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems. This invited paper provides a detailed review of the state of art of estimation problems and solutions in battery management.
[Paper] Jul. 18, 2018, our paper "Parameter Identification and Maximum Power Estimation of Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System based on Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis” was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
[Honor] Jun. 29, 2018, Dr. Lin was elected as the Award Chair of the ASME Energy System Technical Committee (ESTC) under the Dynamics Systems and Control Division. He would be responsible for overseeing the ESTC award selection process.
[Conference] Jun. 26-29, 2018, Dr. Lin attended the 2018 American Control Conference. He presented the paper "A Data Selection Strategy for Real-time Estimation of Battery Parameters" and organized a special panel session "The Future of Battery Controls: Beyond 2018" with colleagues from UC Berkeley and University of Michigan.
[Student] Jun. 2018, Sidharth Jangra started working at the Farasis Energy Inc. as a summer intern. He would be working on electrochemical modeling of lithium ion battery. Congratulations to Sidharth!
[Patent] May 15, 2018, our patent “Sensor system for measuring battery internal state” was granted by the US patent office.
[Grant] May. 2, 2018, we have been awarded a 2-year research grant for project "Smart Energy Management for Unmanned Aerial System Operation in Complex Missions" by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) NEPTUNE Program! This is a collaborative project with Prof. Zhaodan Kong of MAE UC Davis.
[Student] May, 2018, Nicolas Michel joined our lab as a PhD student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2017.
[Student] Mar., 2018, Anish Kumar Sinha joined our lab as a MS student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 2015, and has worked as a thermal power plant design engineer for 1 year.
[Grant] Mar. 1, 2018, we have been selected as a winner of the global Battery Innovation contest by LG Chem Inc. and awarded a research grant for project "A Physics-aware Data-driven Method for Real time Estimation of Battery Electrochemical States"!
[Paper] Jan. 20, 2018, our paper "A Data Selection Strategy for Real-time Estimation of Battery Parameters" was accepted by the 2018 American Control Conference.
[Paper] Jan. 3, 2018, our paper "Theoretical Analysis of Battery SOC Estimation Errors under Sensor Bias and Variance" was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
[Conference] Dec. 12, 2017, Dr. Lin presented paper “Analytic Analysis of the Data-Dependent Estimation Accuracy of Battery Equivalent Circuit Dynamics” at the 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia
[Student] Sep, 2017, Sidharth Jangra joined our lab as a MS student. He previously obtained his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, India, in 2015, and has worked as a Senior Design Engineer at General Motors India for 2 years.
[Student] Sep, 2017, Qingzhi Lai joined our lab as a PhD student. He previously obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2015 and 2017 from Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
[Patent] Jul. 20, 2017, our patent “Detection of imbalance across multiple battery cells measured by the same voltage sensor” was granted by the US patent office.
[Seminar] Jul. 15, 2017, Dr. Lin gave a seminar talk “System-level and Data-aware Management of Battery Systems”, at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK.
[Paper] Jul. 12, 2017, our paper “Analytic Analysis of the Data-Dependent Estimation Accuracy of Battery Equivalent Circuit Dynamics” was accepted by 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[Conference] Jul. 10, 2017, Dr. Lin presented paper “Analytic Derivation of Battery SOC Estimation Error under Sensor Noises” at the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France
[Patent] Jun. 27, 2017, our patent “Reduced order battery thermal dynamics modeling for controls” was granted by the US patent office.
[Paper] Jun. 4, 2017, our paper “Topology Optimization of Structural Systems Considering both Compliance and Input Observability”, co-authored with Prof. Yi Ren of Arizona State University was accepted by 2017 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.
[Paper] May 29, 2017, our paper “Analytic Analysis of the Data-Dependent Estimation Accuracy of Battery Equivalent Circuit Dynamics” was accepted by the IEEE Control System Letter.
[Paper] Feb. 27, 2017, our paper “Analytic Derivation of Battery SOC Estimation Error under Sensor Noises” was accepted by the 20th IFAC World Congress.
[Seminar] Feb. 9, 2017: Dr. Lin gave a seminar talk “Control of Battery Systems”, at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis.
Jan. 1, 2017: Dr Lin joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis.